How Long Does It Take For CBG Oil To Work

Have you decided to jump on the bandwagon and give CBG a try? But do you now feel confused about dosing and how long CBG oil can take to have an impact? Worry no more, for we have all the answers. 

CBG, or cannabigerol, has started garnering a lot of attention recently. It is a popular new addition to the health and wellness world and promises a host of benefits to the well-being of users. But just as interest in this minor cannabinoid builds up, so do the concerns and queries regarding dosing and time of effect.

To make the best of this cannabinoid, let us try to unravel how it actually works and what we can do to make it more efficient.

What is CBG?

CBG, or cannabigerol, also known as the mother of all cannabinoids, is a hemp-derived compound that is found more commonly during the early life of the hemp plant. Later, as the plant matures, this cannabinoid synthesizes into other cannabinoids that we are more familiar with, such as CBD or THC. 

CBG affects many physiological processes in the body. This is because of its interaction with the endocannabinoid system. 

In the realm of cannabinoids, the comparison of “CBG vs. CBD vs. THC” underscores CBG’s status as a minor cannabinoid as it is present in lower concentrations. Some recent studies suggest that it may have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-cancer properties. It relaxes intraocular pressure, which helps in the treatment of glaucoma. Due to these and countless other potential therapeutic properties that are coming to light, CBG is now gaining quite a lot of attention.

While the research is promising, it’s crucial to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement, including CBG oil. For instance, taking CBG oil while pregnant is not recommended and may pose risks to both the mother and the unborn child.

How Long Does it Take for CBG Oil to Work?

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Whenever trying a new product or compound, always remember that patience is the key. How long it takes for CBG oil to produce noticeable effects on anyone can vary from person to person, depending on many different factors. 

Mode of Consumption

There are different ways of consuming your CBG Oil. It can be done sublingually, through edibles, topically, or even inhaled or vaped.

This method of administration is perhaps the most significant factor that will determine the speed of onset and the duration of the effects. 

Sublingual Administration of CBG Oil Tinctures

This may be a very common way of consuming CBG oil. A few drops of a CBG oil tincture placed under the tongue are sure to pack a punch! This is because they are absorbed almost right away through the blood vessels present in the mouth. 

A person can start experiencing the effects typically within 15 to 45 minutes. These effects can last anywhere between 4 to even 6 hours after consumption. The tincture dose can be repeated after every 6 hours.

The ease of use of this method and accurate dosage make this a popular choice among consumers.

CBG Oil Vapes

Vapes ensure the fastest onset of effects, and that is quite understandable! When vaped, CBG Oil enters the lungs in the form of vapors, ready to be taken up into the bloodstream straight away. 

Once you vape CBG Oil, you will feel the effects within 5 to 15 minutes. However, one caveat is that the effects may not last that long. In about 2 to 4 hours, the impact may start fading away as inhaled CBG is likely to be metabolized and exit the system faster too. 

This mode of consumption is suitable for individuals who are looking for quick rather than long-lasting relief. Vapes can be taken 3 to 4 times a day.

CBG Oil Capsules and Gummies

When taken in the form of edibles or gummies, the CBG Oil, which is part of these products, follows a path through the digestive system. It is later absorbed through the digestive tract into the bloodstream. This way, the effects take longer to manifest. 

The onset of these effects takes anywhere between 45 to 90 minutes to begin. This can further be delayed if the CBG Oil product has been taken on a full stomach. Luckily, these effects can be enjoyed for a prolonged period of time that can be anywhere between 6 to 10 hours. 

This method of dosing is ideal for people who are seeking full-day coverage and do not want to worry about dosage calculations. Therefore, it is ideal to take CBG oil capsules or gummies either at the start of the day to enjoy its benefits throughout or at bedtime for a restful night. 

Topical Application Of CBG Oil

CBG Oil creams and balms are available for application, and these provide relief from pain in a localized area of the skin and muscles. 

The soothing effects of these topicals can be experienced almost immediately, that is, within 15 minutes of application. The effects can last quite long, from 3 to 6 or even 8 hours. 

This mode of application is suitable for people looking for fast relief from pain in specific areas of their body. It is best if the application is repeated at 6-hour intervals to keep the pain at bay. 

Source of CBG Oil

Another factor that determines how long it takes for CBG oil to work is the source of your CBG oil. If the product you consume is a full-spectrum or broad-spectrum variety, the results will be more quick to appear and will also last longer. This is due to the enhanced impact of the entourage effect. 

However, if you choose to consume a CBG isolate, the onset will take longer, and the effects may not persist for a prolonged period.

Serving Size

It goes without saying that the larger the dose, the quicker the onset will be. This is because a larger CBG dosage will make sure that a greater amount of CBG is delivered into your bloodstream, making way for a faster onset of effects. 

Individual Factors

The consumers’ physiology has a significant role to play in how early or late they will be able to feel the impact of their CBG oil. The rate of metabolism, their body weights, their lifestyles, and genetics all contribute to their CBG experience.

How to Make the Most of Your CBG Oil?

Now that we know what factors impact the speed of onset let us see what we can do to enjoy our CBG oil best. 

  • Start with a low dose and build up gradually. This will allow you to judge the optimal dose suited to your needs.
  • Take CBG Oil on an empty stomach to get the kick quicker. 
  • Vaping or taking CBG oil sublingually helps in faster absorption. 
  • Be consistent and follow a regular routine.
  • Consider full-spectrum or broad-spectrum products to experience the entourage effect.
  • Use high-quality products from reliable vendors who offer third-party testing.

Following these guidelines will help you take full advantage of your CBG oil products. At the same time, consult a healthcare professional for further guidance. 

Final Verdict

Every individual is unique, not only in their physiology but also in their needs and expectations. This is why there can not be a specific answer to how long CBG oil can take to be effective. Many factors come into play here, but one thing is certain: you have to be patient and consistent. 

This cannabinoid will work its magic and manifest its benefits at varying speeds for different individuals. 


  • Jennifer Kurtz

    Jennifer Kurtz studied medicine at the New Jersey School of Medicine (Rutgers). She is passionate about developing her knowledge of Cannabis, Nootropics, Kratom, and nutritional supplements. In addition to attending medical webinars and conferences, she loves to write research-based articles for magazines, healthcare professionals, medical agencies and of course

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