The Legal Age to Buy CBD in Virginia

The wellness industry has seen a huge shift in recent years thanks to cannabidiol, also known as CBD. This product has gained widespread popularity due to its potential health benefits. Many people are turning to CBD to help manage chronic discomfort, stress, and sleep issues.

However, it’s essential to know that CBD is linked to the cannabis plant. This association can make the rules about buying and using CBD confusing. One question that comes up often is about age restrictions. What is the legal age to buy CBD?

This guide will focus on the legal age to buy CBD in Virginia. We’ll look at all the laws that are involved in this decision. Plus, we’ll explore where you can buy CBD in the state. By the end of this guide, you should clearly understand Virginia’s CBD buying process.

A Closer Look At CBD

CBD: What Is It?

CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a natural compound found in cannabis and hemp plants. It’s one of the two main active ingredients in cannabis, the other being THC or tetrahydrocannabinol. Here’s the catch: CBD doesn’t make you feel ‘high’ or intoxicated, unlike THC. This has made CBD a hot topic in the health and wellness world.

The Different Sources Of CBD

There are two main sources of CBD: Hemp and Marijuana. Both are types of the Cannabis Sativa plant. CBD from hemp usually has less than 0.3% THC and is the type you’ll most often find in stores. Marijuana-derived CBD has more THC and is often used for medical reasons.

Navigating The Legal Age For CBD Purchase In Virginia

Determining The Legal Age

In Virginia, state laws don’t clearly say what age you must be to buy CBD from hemp. But, many shops that sell CBD, whether in person or online, set their age limits. Usually, you have to be at least 18 or sometimes even 21 to buy CBD products.

Medical Marijuana And Age Limit

For marijuana-derived CBD, used typically for its potential health benefits, Virginia law requires a person to be at least 18 years old. In addition, they must be an admitted patient in Virginia’s medical marijuana program. This program allows CBD oil from marijuana to help manage symptoms for certain medical conditions. These conditions are identified by a healthcare practitioner who’s registered with the state.

CBD And Virginia Legislation: A History

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To understand the legality of buying CBD in Virginia, it’s crucial to explore the legislative history that has shaped today’s context.

Hemp-Derived CBD And The 2018 Farm Bill

The 2018 Farm Bill was a big game-changer for CBD laws. It changed the Controlled Substances Act and made hemp and products made from hemp legal at the federal level. But, this only applies to CBD hemp products with less than 0.3% THC. After this law was passed, it was up to each state to create its own rules about hemp and CBD from hemp.

How Virginia Handled Hemp Laws

Virginia was in step with the federal law and passed it in 2018. This made it legal to grow hemp commercially and to have it. The law also covers CBD products made from hemp. So, CBD oil and other CBD products with less than 0.3% THC are legal to buy and use in Virginia.

CBD Possession Limit In Virginia

Virginia law doesn’t say how much CBD from hemp you can have. But, if CBD comes from marijuana, there are laws about how much you can have under the Virginia medical marijuana law.

Need For Prescription

In Virginia, you don’t need a note from a doctor to buy CBD products made from hemp. You can buy these over the counter at many places. But, you need a recommendation from a healthcare provider to buy CBD products from marijuana. After that, you’re given a medical marijuana card.

New VA Law Pulling CBD Products Off Retail Shelves

There have been some recent changes to a Virginia law that Governor Youngkin signed. These changes are affecting the availability of CBD products in the state. The law mainly aimed to control how THC products are sold to kids. But, the wider impacts of the law are leading to fewer CBD products being available in stores.

The changes to the law mean there are now stricter rules about how products are packaged and labeled. There are also specific requirements for testing and a limit on how much THC can be in a package for products made from hemp. A significant change is that businesses now have to register with an agency that enforces the law before selling any product that can be eaten and is made from hemp.

Some people, like the Prevention Council of Roanoke County, think these changes are needed to keep these products away from kids. Others are worried about how the law will affect businesses and the availability of products for adults who use them for various reasons.

These ongoing changes show how quickly laws about CBD can change. This means anyone considering buying must stay up-to-date with the laws in their state and local area.

The Importance Of Third-Party Testing For CBD Products

Regardless of age and legality, ensuring the safety and efficacy of CBD products is paramount. Given the unregulated nature of the CBD market, third-party lab testing is essential.

Why Third-Party Testing Matters

Third-party lab testing ensures CBD products’ quality, effectiveness, and security by providing an independent analysis. These independent labs can confirm whether the product contains the amount of CBD advertised on the label and ensure it has THC levels within the legal limit of 0.3%. Contaminants such as metals, herbicides, pesticides and molds are also screened for.

How To Check For Third-Party Testing?

Reputable CBD companies often provide Certificates of Analysis (COAs) for their products, usually accessible on their websites. These COAs provide third-party testing results, ensuring transparency and trust in the brand’s offerings.

The Nationwide Legal Status Of CBD

While the 2018 Farm Bill made CBD extracted from hemp legal on a federal level, each state can enact its own CBD laws and restrictions. As a result, the legality of CBD varies across the country, and what’s permissible in Virginia may not be allowed in another state.

Because of this variety, it is critical for customers to become acquainted with the individual regulations in their state. Most states align with federal law, but others have specific restrictions or requirements that must be adhered to.

Where To Buy CBD In Virginia?

Now that we’ve covered the legal age for buying CBD in Virginia let’s look at where you can buy it.

Buying CBD Locally In Virginia

If you like to see what you’re buying before you buy it, there are many physical stores in Virginia where you can get CBD products. These include health food stores, specialized CBD shops, or smoke shops. These places often have a wide range of CBD products. One advantage of in-person shopping is seeing the product for yourself. Also, people working at the store can answer any questions you have.

But, it’s very important to only buy from local stores that you know get their products from good quality hemp and have had their products tested by a third party.

Buying CBD Online In Virginia

If you prefer to shop from home, there are many online stores where you can buy CBD products. These can be delivered right to your door. You can also access a wider range of products when you shop online. Many good CBD companies have a lot of information on their websites about where they get their CBD, how it’s made, and third-party testing results. Check all this information before buying CBD online to ensure you’re getting a safe, good-quality product.

Online stores may also check your age when you check out to ensure you’re old enough to buy their products.

Safety And Precautions When Buying CBD In Virginia

Whether buying CBD in-store or online in Virginia, certain safety precautions should always be kept in mind:

  • Check Lab Results: Ensure the company has third-party lab results or Certificates of Analysis (COAs) for their CBD products. This helps you know the product is safe, good quality, and legal.
  • Know Your CBD: Understand the difference between “full-spectrum,” “broad-spectrum,” and “CBD isolate” so you know what you’re buying.
  • Research the Brand: Look at what others say about it, and ensure they’re known for quality and safety.
  • Look at the Label: The product’s label should clearly indicate how much CBD and THC are in it. It should also have directions for use, a list of ingredients, and what type of CBD is used (full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, or isolate).
  • Talk to a Healthcare Provider: If you’re considering using CBD for health reasons, it’s a good idea to talk to a healthcare provider first. They can help you decide if CBD is right for you and can guide you on how much to use and if it will interact with any other medicine you’re taking.
  • Be Aware of the Age Limit: Even though Virginia law doesn’t say how old you have to be to buy CBD, you should still follow the age restrictions set by each seller.
  • Follow the Law: Always know the specific laws and rules about CBD in Virginia. Even if a product is legal at the federal level, you must still follow state laws.
  • Buy USA-Grown Hemp: Hemp grown in the USA has to follow strict farming rules, making it safer for making CBD products.

Remember, being an informed customer is your best defense when buying CBD products in Virginia.


Even though Virginia law doesn’t say how old you have to be to buy CBD made from hemp, some sellers set their age limits. You must also know the rules for buying CBD made from marijuana.

To navigate this complicated landscape, customers need to stay alert and informed. From knowing about the different types of CBD products to staying aware of the relevant laws and safety precautions, staying in the know ensures a safe and legal CBD experience.


  • Jennifer Kurtz

    Jennifer Kurtz studied medicine at the New Jersey School of Medicine (Rutgers). She is passionate about developing her knowledge of Cannabis, Nootropics, Kratom, and nutritional supplements. In addition to attending medical webinars and conferences, she loves to write research-based articles for magazines, healthcare professionals, medical agencies and of course

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